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AAC Workshop: STARTS//Return to Flying

Astral Aviation Consulting (AAC) is holding a free workshop on STARTS//Return to Flying with guest Matt Lane discuss returning to flight and what you can do to give yourself the best start to the flying season after the winter months on 23 February at 19:30 GMT.  Register online: Workshop: STARTS//Return to Flying AAC is a third-party supplier…

The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022

This Skywise is to advise that The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022 was published in draft on the 24 January 2022.  It is expected to come into force on 13 April 2022. The primary purpose of the Amending Order is to update references to the Basic Regulation, as retained (and amended in UK domestic law)…

Changes to RTF Practical test and Examiner qualification

Introduction of new Flight Radiotelephony Operator’s Licence (FRTOL) Practical Test format and FRTOL Examiner Qualification Procedures (CAP2117) has been published. This guidance is for existing Radiotelephony (RTF) Examiners, prospective FRTOL Examiners, FRTOL candidates, Approved Training Organisations (ATOs), Declared Training Organisations (DTOs) and Training Providers. Its content will be applicable from 14 March 2022. The post…

Cybersecurity in aviation community launched

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has launched a community website designed for professionals active in cybersecurity in aviation. The website offers detailed information about regulations & standards, with a particular emphasis on information sharing & collaboration initiatives. Article Originally Posted Cybersecurity in aviation community launched on EASA

CAP 1926- The use of RNAV Substitution

The CAA has published CAP 1926 containing general requirements and guidance material for the use of RNAV Substitution on UK routes and procedures. The CAP acknowledges the use of FMS Coded Overlays as an operating technique in lieu of primary reference to conventional ground-based navigation aids and as such, permits use of the technique on…

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