After your type rating, its time for line training. This consists of flying scheduled trips for your airline with passengers. On each flight you will be with a qualified training captain who will supervise your flying. Depending on the airline and your previous experience, this may be around 40 sectors. In addition, during your first few sectors there will be another qualified first officer on the jump seat to act as a safety pilot.
Line training teaches you the daily operation of that aircraft type within that airline. Once you have completed the required number of sectors to a good standard, you will carry out your line check. This will consist of a sector as:
Pilot flying (PF) – where you control the aircraft.
Pilot monitoring (PM) – where you carry out duties such a, operating the aircrafts radio, keeping the PF updated with weather and flight plan monitoring.
(A sector is defined as take-off to landing. Multiple sectors may be completed in a day, depending on length.)