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Category: Aerodrome safety

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Payment Plan for Annual Charges

We are constantly looking at ways to support the aviation sector in these unprecedented times. Our funding principles are underpinned by statute and legal obligation so we have not been able to waive any charges and are still required to issue invoices. But we are now able offer a payment plan to cover 2020/2021 annual…

COVID-19 – Exemption from the requirement for rigid outer packaging of biological substances, Category B, UN3373 samples

The CAA has published the following exemption to support the industry through the COVID-19 outbreak. The replaces ORS4 No 1372. Exemption from the requirement for rigid outer packaging for biological substances, Category B, UN3373 samples (ORS4 No 1391) Further information regarding COVID-19 is available on the CAA website. The post COVID-19 – Exemption from the requirement for…

CHIRP General Aviation FEEDBACK Edition 84

GA FEEDBACK Edition 84 The latest edition of GA FEEDBACK includes reports about: the handling of alternator failures; the importance of thorough flight planning; not allowing yourself to be pressured into flying when backed into corner by events on the ground; the use of recording equipment in the cockpit; and the importance of thorough pre-…

CAA’s new Bowtie Risk Model Strategy

The CAA has published a new Bowtie Risk Model Strategy (CAP1329) which identifies how the models can be best used as an effective and proactive safety risk assessment tool. The overall aim is to inform and improve decision making so that the right actions can be taken to achieve the best safety outcomes for the…

CHIRP Air Transport FEEDBACK Edition 134

Air Transport FEEDBACK 134 is the first edition from our new Director Aviation, Steve Forward.  It contains reports about the handling of fuel priority calls; the importance of awareness of Minimum Safe Altitude versus Transition Level; fatigue management; go-arounds due to birds; unsafe engineering practices; and managing the long-term storage of aircraft.   These and many…

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