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Category: Balloons

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Airspace infringement avoidance webinars

GAsCo Regional Safety Officers provide information on how to avoid having an airspace infringement. Monday 8 March; and Monday 22 March at 7pm. An hour and a half of information, tips, suggestions and quizzes. A perfect refresher to prepare for when COVID-19 restrictions can be lifted. Register now for free: Airspace Infringement Avoidance Webinars The…

New infringement occurrence: Manchester CTA

The latest Airspace Safety Initiative occurrence narrative looks at an Infringement of Class D – Manchester Control Area. The fifth in the series includes perspectives from the Manchester radar controller, the Barton FISO and the pilot. While we understand that many pilots are currently unable to fly due to COVID-19 restrictions we aim to continue…

Occurrence update: Infringement of Gatwick Control Area and London Terminal Control Area

While we understand that many pilots are currently unable to fly due to COVID-19 restrictions we aim to continue to release safety education and awareness material to support the future return to flying and continue to help promote longer-term safety awareness. The latest Airspace Safety Initiative occurrence narrative looks at an Infringement of Class D…

Pilot Medical Declarations: Clarification

Following a rapid review we can today confirm that the less than 2,000kg aircraft category, with its reduced list of disqualifying conditions within a Pilot Medical Declaration (PMD), is still an option for national pilot licence holders (subject to the specified operational conditions). Existing PMDs remain valid for the type of licence(s) and aircraft weight…

Clued Up: Weight & Balance article

While we understand that many pilots are currently unable to fly due to COVID-19 restrictions we aim to continue to release safety education and awareness material to support the GA community with the future return to flying and continue to help promote longer-term safety awareness. To meet that aim please enjoy our latest article on…

Infringement update: Class A airspace occurrence

While we understand that many pilots are currently unable to fly due to COVID-19 restrictions we aim to continue to release safety education and awareness material to support the future return to flying and continue to help promote longer-term safety awareness. To help meet that aim a new infringement occurrence narrative has been added to…

COVID-19 restrictions reminder

The CAA reminds all GA stakeholders of the importance of being familiar with, and adhering to, the latest government guidance on flying while COVID-19 restrictions are in place. If you are not able to fly at the moment, then please feel free to take some time out to read The Skyway Code The post COVID-19…

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