CEI 2025.01 — Direct Accreditation of Qualified Entities: FSTD and Flight Test
EASA has published a new call for expression of interest (CEI) to be accredited as qualified entity. Qualified Entities are an essential building block in the Agency’s outsourcing strategy of certification and oversight tasks.
CEI Number: 2025.01Categories of Tasks: FSTD, Flight TestingClosing Date: 25 April 2025 (23:59 CET)
EASA seeks to accredit a maximum of three Qualified Entities per category of task.
CEI Number: 2025.01Categories of Tasks: FSTD, Flight TestingClosing Date: 25 April 2025 (23:59 CET)
EASA seeks to accredit a maximum of three Qualified Entities per category of task.
Article Originally Posted CEI 2025.01 — Direct Accreditation of Qualified Entities: FSTD and Flight Test on EASA