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CP1 Industrialisation forum expanded to include manufacturer representatives

The CP1 industrialisation forum, set up to support industry and operators with effective implementation of initial trajectory information sharing (AF6), has expanded its participation to include some manufacturers. The Forum is holding its second meeting on March 16, 2023.   Article Originally Posted CP1 Industrialisation forum expanded to include manufacturer representatives on EASA

‘EASA+ Design’ conceived as future partnership for agile innovation

SEVILLE, Spain, September 28 — Aviation actors need to come together in a new partnership to support rapid innovation, which can help with the drive for reduction of emissions and thus ensure that major sustainability milestones can be reached, while maintaining and improving aviation safety. Article Originally Posted ‘EASA+ Design’ conceived as future partnership for…

Certification of ESSP as pan-European data link provider via SATCOM

EASA has completed the initial certification of ESSP SAS (European Satellite Services Provider) as pan-European Communication Services Provider for the IRIS service. This makes it the first pan-European certified service provider for datalink services, allowing for its centralised continuous oversight by EASA, streamlining these activities and thus bringing overall benefits for the Member States.  Article…

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