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Economic regulation of Gatwick: Final decision

The CAA has published a notice under section 22(6) of the Civil Aviation Act 2012 of its decision to modify Gatwick Airport Limited’s (“GAL”) licence. Following consultations in October 2020 and February 2021, the modifications will implement a new set of commitments as the basis of the economic regulation of GAL for the four year…

EASA awarded contract for technical cooperation with North Asia

EASA has been awarded a contract for technical cooperation with North Asia under the EU financed Partnership Instrument. This programme will allow continued and intensified cooperation with China under the EU-China Aviation Partnership Project and aims to establish new technical cooperation initiatives with the Republic of Korea and Japan.  Article Originally Posted EASA awarded contract…

Planning a flight?

New guidance from the Airspace Infringement Working Group (AIWG) includes a refresher on the importance of planning, a reminder to check your own fitness to fly, and a detailed piece on how to plan your weather briefing. Read Pre-flight planning – Airspace Safety More aspects of successful pre-flight prep and planning will be covered over…

Restricted Airspace (Temporary) – Old Warden, 2 May

Restriction of Flying Regulations for flying display at Old Warden Aerodrome on Sunday 2 May 2021. Details by NOTAM and in AIC M012/2021 at Restrictions also apply to the operation of all drones. The post Restricted Airspace (Temporary) – Old Warden, 2 May appeared first on SkyWise. Article Originally Posted Restricted Airspace (Temporary) –…

Updated Helicopter Standards Documents

We have updated Standards Documents 19(H). This document sets out the guidance for applicants taking the Skill Test for the grant of a UK Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL) Helicopter or a UK Light Aircraft Pilot Licence (LAPL) Helicopter. Standards Document 19(H): Notes for the Guidance of Applicants taking the PPL Skill Test (Helicopters) Standards Document…

Updated Helicopter Standards Documents

Updated Standards Documents (H) are now available: Standards Document 01(H): Notes for the Guidance of Applicants taking the Initial Instrument Rating Skill Test (Helicopters) Standards Document 03(H): Notes for the Guidance of Applicants taking the CPL Skill Test (Helicopters) Standards Document 21(H): Guidance for Applicants taking the Helicopter Examiners Assessment of Competence and Providers of…

Marking and Placarding of Ballistic Parachute Recovery Systems on Single Seat Deregulated (SSDR) Aircraft

The AAIB has previously raised concerns regarding the significant hazard to emergency services and first responders from non-deployed Ballistic Parachute Recovery Systems (BPRS) in crashed aircraft. In response to this the CAA introduced new requirements to BCAR Section S, Sub-Section K for the marking and placarding of BPRS to warn emergency services and first responders…

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