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Safety Standards Acknowledgement & Consent (SSAC)

While we understand that many pilots are currently unable to fly due to COVID-19 restrictions we aim to continue to release safety education and guidance material to support the future return to flying. Following last year’s consultation, we have now published a new edition of CAP1395 Safety Standards Acknowledgement & Consent (SSAC). This new edition…

EASA publishes Guidelines for Aero-Medical Centres and Aeromedical Examiners regarding the examination and assessment of applicants

COLOGNE, January 7, 2021 – The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) published guidelines in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic for Aero-Medical Centres (AeMCs) and Aeromedical Examiners (AMEs) performing aero-medical examinations and assessments in order to ensure flight safety.  Article Originally Posted EASA publishes Guidelines for Aero-Medical Centres and Aeromedical Examiners regarding the examination and…

UK CAA Examinations update

In line with the recent government announcement of a National lockdown, along with the restrictions in Scotland, the UK CAA senior management team have concluded that all scheduled commercial examinations to be sat will be cancelled from next week until the end of February 2021. Commercial pilot (aeroplane and helicopter) examinations Aircraft Maintenance Engineers examinations…

AME guidance for GA Pilots

While we understand that many pilots are currently unable to fly due to COVID-19 restrictions we aim to continue to release safety education and awareness material to support the GA community with the future return to flying and continue to help promote longer-term safety awareness. Following the Prime Minister’s announcement of the re-imposition of a…

EASA’s updated Easy Access Rules for Air Traffic Management/Air Navigation Services published

This revision from January 2021 updates the applicable rules resulting from ED Decision 2020/020/R that amends the AMC and GM to Subpart A of Annex XIII (Part-PERS) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373. More precisely, it updates the training objectives for air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) basic and qualification training syllabi and, therefore, improves the…

EASA hosted ICAO Engine Emissions Databank now includes non-volatile particulate matter (nvPM) emissions

The ICAO Engine Emissions Databank which is hosted by EASA now includes information about non-volatile particulate matter (nvPM) emissions. The information on nvPM emissions from aircraft engines plays an important role when assessing local air quality around airports and aviation’s climate impact.  Article Originally Posted EASA hosted ICAO Engine Emissions Databank now includes non-volatile particulate…

Exemptions allowing third country operators (TCOs) transportation of cargo in passenger compartments

Following the disruptions caused by COVID-19 to the transportation of goods, some operators have been granted exemptions issued by their competent authorities allowing for the transportation of cargo in the passenger cabin of large aeroplanes. Based on the issued exemptions and a review of the related documentation, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has…

EU Transition: Microsite Updated

The CAA’s dedicated microsite for the UK-EU transition has been updated to reflect the regulatory changes that will take place for commercial entities at 23:00 this evening, 31 December 2020, as the EU transition period ends. Where significant changes have been made, these are marked “UPDATE” on the relevant question.   The CAA will continue…

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