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CAP 413 Radiotelephony Manual

Supplementary Instruction (SI) 02/2020 to CAP 413 Radiotelephony Manual ED 23 (Corr) was published on 14 July 2020, effective 10 September 2020. The advent of performance-based navigation (PBN) is having a major impact on all aspects of the aviation industry, with PBN routes and procedures being introduced more widely. As part of a continuing effort to…

CAP 797 Flight Information Service Officer Manual

Supplementary Instruction (SI) 2020/04 to CAP 797 Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual Edition 3 was published on 14 July 2020, effective 10 September 2020. ICAO has introduced measures to align the performance-based navigation (PBN) procedure approach chart identification with the designation of the navigation specification, transitioning from the RNAV(GNSS) Runway XX naming convention, to…

EASA takes important step to increase cybersecurity of aircraft

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has taken an important step towards increasing cybersecurity protection of large aeroplanes and rotorcraft by amending the rules related to the product certification.  These amendments will step up safety on board by mitigating the potential effects of cybersecurity threats which could arise through intentional unauthorised acts of interaction with…

New joint unit cements cooperation between EASA and EUROCONTROL

Brussels, July 10, 2020 – Director General EUROCONTROL Eamonn Brennan and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Executive Director Patrick Ky together officially opened the joint EASA-EUROCONTROL Technical and Coordination Office (TeCO) at EUROCONTROL’s Brussels Headquarters. Article Originally Posted New joint unit cements cooperation between EASA and EUROCONTROL on EASA

Unmanned Aircraft – Responses to abnormal operations and in-flight failures

The purpose of this safety notice is to provide recommendations and guidance that will enable all remote pilots, UA operators and Recognised Assessment Entities (RAEs) to act to reduce the likelihood of in-flight emergencies occurring and developing into incidents or accidents. The remote pilot’s ability to identify and respond correctly to unexpected in-flight emergencies, system…

New edition of CAP 779 – Regulation of aeronautical information services

CAP 779 Regulation of aeronautical information services has been revised to reflect current regulatory references and to highlight the requirement for Management Systems, Change Management Procedures and Formal Arrangements. The post New edition of CAP 779 – Regulation of aeronautical information services appeared first on SkyWise. Article Originally Posted New edition of CAP 779 –…

EASA completes framework for Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation Services requirements

With the publication of EASA’s agency decision (ED 2020/008/R), EASA completed the EU regulatory framework for the provision of Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Air Navigation Services (ATM/ANS) resulting from the global standards. To facilitate the uniform implementation of the framework, EASA published an additional set of Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material…

Stay in Control: GA safety campaign

Loss of control (LOC) is one of the leading safety issues in general aviation. We have just released the first part of our Stay in Control safety campaign which focuses on Loss of Control in the Circuit. Everything we develop will be published at The post Stay in Control: GA safety campaign appeared first…

Policy for ATS Provision within Controlled Airspace by Units not Notified as the Controlling Authority

The CAA publishes airspace policy statements on a variety of topics; one of these details requirements and provides guidance regarding the approval of air traffic services (ATS) units (ATSUs) seeking to provide ATS within controlled airspace (CAS), where such units are not notified as the controlling authority for such airspace. The CAA’s triennial review of…

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