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Which School?

Listed are a few key questions to ask when choosing a training provider:

  • Does the school require payment for all training up front?
  • Can you get a breakdown of costs for each section of training?
  • What additional costs are expected? (landing fees, accommodation, travel, visas, ground examination fees, flight exam fees, licence costs, medical etc)
  • What happens if you decide to leave or have problems completing your training?
  • On average many additional flying hours do students need and what are the extra costs for further training?
  • What would happen in the event of a flight test or ground examination failure? Find out how that might affect your training path and what are the additional fees?
  • What is the ratio of aircraft to students? If there is a shortage of aircraft, this could result in a backlog of training and additional costs.
  • Does the school also have airline-sponsored students? Whilst this is good in terms of quality, but do these students have priority during the training program?
  • Can the school give assistance when it comes to employment? What connections does the school have to the airlines?
  • How many students find commercial pilot employment and in what time-frame?
Tip Jar

The training providers are trying to sell you a course and usually exaggerate the figures in their favour. The best way to get none biased info is by speaking to past or present students.

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