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Air Ops Risk Review for 2020

The aviation sector was massively disrupted in 2020, leading to a new safety landscape. EASA has produced its preliminary safety review for Air Ops in 2020. This should be considered in conjunction with the Review of Aviation Safety Issues Arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Prior to the crisis, the safety landscape was stable and known…

EASA launches information sessions to support implementation phase of ageing aircraft structure rule

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) launched information sessions to support the implementation phase of the ageing aircraft structure rule, which was published on August 06, 2020 by the European Commission, refer to Regulation (EU) 2020/1159. Article Originally Posted EASA launches information sessions to support implementation phase of ageing aircraft structure rule on EASA

EASA publishes updated Easy Access Rules for Part-26

This revision from February 2021 updates the applicable rules resulting from Regulation (EU) 2021/97, with the following two topics:  approval of aircraft seat designs (update of applicability of text) and ageing aircraft (correction of text). Being generated through the eRules platform, the document will be updated regularly to incorporate further changes and evolutions to the…

EASA publishes updated Easy Access Rules for Part-26

This revision from February 2021 updates the applicable rules resulting from Regulation (EU) 2020/1159 and ED Decision 2020/023/R, with the following three topics: the ageing aircraft, conversion of class D cargo compartments, and the reduction of runway excursion. Being generated through the eRules platform, the document will be updated regularly to incorporate further changes and…

New Working Arrangement between AEROCIVIL and EASA signed

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Civil Aviation Authority of Colombia (AEROCIVIL) have concluded an Aviation Working Arrangement (WA) that ensures the recognition of EU-EASA aeronautical products in support of the EU industry in the region.  Within the context of the current pandemic, the WA establishes solid cooperation to achieve the return…

European Plan for Aviation Safety 2021-2025 published

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) published the 10th edition of the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) covering 2021 – 2025. EPAS sets out the strategic priorities and enablers, and the main risks affecting the European aviation system, while also defining the necessary actions to mitigate the risks, with the paramount objective of…

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