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EASA reaches agreement with Japan’s JCAB on validation of airworthiness certificates

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has signed an implementation procedure for the EU-Japan Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) agreed between the European Union and Japan. The procedure signed with the Civil Aviation Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (JCAB) will facilitate the validation of airworthiness certificates on…

ACI EUROPE and EASA sign Cooperation Agreement as airport industry publishes Guidelines for a Healthy Passenger Experience

Olivier Jankovec, Director General of Airports Council International Europe (ACI EUROPE), and Patrick Ky, Executive Director of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), today signed a groundbreaking agreement supporting the ongoing safe and secure recovery of aviation following the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Article Originally Posted ACI EUROPE and EASA sign Cooperation…

Air Operations community launched, collating safety information and offering community sign-up to stay informed

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has launched a community website designed for professionals active in air operations. The website offers detailed information about air operations safety, with a particular emphasis on COVID-19, reflecting the current focus of the industry. The community forms part of EASA’s safety promotion activities, running under the tagline Together4Safety.…

EASA takes important step to increase cybersecurity of aircraft

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has taken an important step towards increasing cybersecurity protection of large aeroplanes and rotorcraft by amending the rules related to the product certification.  These amendments will step up safety on board by mitigating the potential effects of cybersecurity threats which could arise through intentional unauthorised acts of interaction with…

New joint unit cements cooperation between EASA and EUROCONTROL

Brussels, July 10, 2020 – Director General EUROCONTROL Eamonn Brennan and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Executive Director Patrick Ky together officially opened the joint EASA-EUROCONTROL Technical and Coordination Office (TeCO) at EUROCONTROL’s Brussels Headquarters. Article Originally Posted New joint unit cements cooperation between EASA and EUROCONTROL on EASA

EASA completes framework for Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation Services requirements

With the publication of EASA’s agency decision (ED 2020/008/R), EASA completed the EU regulatory framework for the provision of Air Traffic Management (ATM) and Air Navigation Services (ATM/ANS) resulting from the global standards. To facilitate the uniform implementation of the framework, EASA published an additional set of Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material…

EASA concludes the signature of five research contracts funded by Horizon 2020

Under the contribution agreement on aviation safety research activities signed in March 2020, the European Commission delegated Horizon 2020 funds EASA for the management of research actions. Following open tender procedures, the Agency has now signed the first five research contracts under this agreement with the European Commission. Two research framework contracts are dealing with…

Passenger Health Safety – updated measures for summer 2020

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued an updated version of the EASA-ECDC Aviation Health Safety Protocol, taking account of the learnings from its first operational implementation. It addresses topics such as the importance and need for having Universal Precaution Kit on board, electronic contact tracing tools, aircraft ventilation system set-up and waste management. …

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